White Ants

About a week ago, we had another emergence of “white ants.” They were flying everywhere, as you can see.


I understand them to be termites at a particular stage of development. Our neighbors understand them to be food. Here are some folks preparing to pounce on breakfast as soon as it flies out of a mound.


We were awakened to celebratory cries from the nearby villages. This meal provides more protein than many people have had in quite a while! It is God’s wonderful provision for the hungry.


Our kids thought it was fun to catch them, too, and even contemplated eating them.

Joshua first sampled a wing, which he said was papery…


Then he worked up the courage to actually consume one. He felt it would be best if it were dead first, so he applied his butchery skills.


What did it taste like? Well –

Did I try them? My children have more bravery than I, so I’m afraid we can’t tell you anything about the flavor. We hear they don’t have much taste, but some have likened then to lard.

The white ants come out several times a year. This was the second emergence, a sign that we are definitely in the rainy season. It is a hungry time. There have been a lot of crop failures in recent years, so grain is more scarce and prices are high. Please pray that the Lord will send the rain at just the right time and in just the right amounts. Above all, please pray for souls that are hungering and thirsting for the righteousness of Christ: he promises to satisfy them, not for a season, but forever.

4 thoughts on “White Ants

  1. And we thought we had an ant problem at church! Glad to see your little ones enjoying the different culture. We sure miss you in our neck of the woods! ❤


    1. Ha ha! That’s so true! We wish we could see you… Rashel says she really misses those Kentucky woods – we all do. Much love to you both!


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